暑期学校课程将在即将到来的2024年夏天开设,只面向Guerin天主教高中的学生. 暑期学校的费用是350美元,在你注册课程时支付. 报名截止日期为2024年5月17日或班级满员之日. All enrollment fees are non-refundable. Please scroll down for the registration form.

请注意:由于印第安纳州能源部规定的暑期学校上课时间, 学生在整个课程中只允许缺课一天. More than one day’s absence will forfeit the credit.

2024 Course Offerings and Information:

Kinesiology I FULL

This class is now full. 想要加入候补名单,请给米歇尔·汉林发邮件 mhanlin@julieconde.net
(1 credit)
Dates: June 3 – June 21
Class Hours: 9 – 11 am
Instructor Office Hours: 11-11:30 am
Structure: Blended
Offered: Freshmen
Instructors: Mr. Mascari, Mrs. Mascari and Mr. Waymouth

This is a BLENDED course, that is, 体育活动将在Guerin Catholic每天进行,但课程的健康部分将在网上完成. 学生们在上课的第一天就需要电脑. 每天上午11点会有一位老师来帮助学生解答有关在线作业和项目的问题. The daily office hours are optional.

Students should wear their Guerin Catholic P.E. uniform. P.E. uniforms can be purchased through
www.landsend.com (school code: 900150715) or www.schoolbelles.com (school code: S3008).


Digital Applications and Responsibility FULL

This class is now full. 想要加入候补名单,请给米歇尔·汉林发邮件 mhanlin@julieconde.net
(1 credit)
Class Hours: 9 – 11 am
Instructor Office Hours: 11-11:30 am
Offered: Freshmen
Instructor: Mr. Cowen

This is a BLENDED course, that is, 课程的一部分(小组工作和活动)将在Guerin Catholic进行, 但也将有每日在线工作加上一个必须在网上完成的最终项目. 学生们在上课的第一天就需要电脑. 每天上午11点会有一位老师来帮助学生解答有关在线作业和项目的问题. The daily office hours are optional.



神学8天主教社会教导:在世界上活出福音 Seniors

Class Hours: 9 – 11 am
Instructor Office Hours: 11-11:30 am
Structure: Blended
Offered: Seniors
Instructor: Mr. Sponhauer

This is a BLENDED course. 课程的一部分将在Guerin Catholic进行, including the final exam, 但是也会有额外的日常工作(上课时间以外)和一个必须在线完成的期末项目. 参加本课程的学生也有资格通过玛丽安大学获得双学分.

本课程的目的是向学生介绍教会的社会训导. In this course, 学生要学习基督怎样关心别人, especially the poor and needy, 在今日教会的社会训导和使命中有何表现.——USCCB的《太阳成集团tyc234cc》

本课程将努力使学生的学习经历与哲学相结合, 定义人类的科学和神学以及怎样对待人类是恰当的(社会教学). Students will explore social, political, 和经济现实,并学会渗透和调和这些现实与基督教教义和生活的要求, 根据自然法则和福音的公正原则. 生物伦理学的特别关注将帮助学生更好地理解天主教社会教学原则如何指导我们在当今快速变化的医学和科学技术景观中导航.

Required Texts:

Catechism of the Catholic Church (online – no book required)
Compendium of Catholic Social Teachings (online – no book required)
Bible: Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition
Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching (Sophia Institute Press, 2014)
生物医学与幸福,天主教生命伦理导论 (美国天主教大学出版社,第二版,2021年)


Philosophy I: Anthropology Juniors and Seniors

Dates: June 3-21
Class Hours: 9 – 11 am
Instructor Office Hours: 11-11:30 am
Structure: Blended
Offered: Juniors and Seniors
Instructor: Mr. Thompson

This is a BLENDED course, that is, a portion of the class (lecture, discussion, 和一些阅读)将在Guerin天主教堂举行, 但也将有每日在线工作加上一个必须在网上完成的最终项目.

每天上午11点会有一位老师来帮助学生解答有关在线作业和项目的问题. The daily office hours are optional.


选修哲学I的学生将有资格通过常春藤技术社区学院获得双学分. 这门课程相当于全国大多数大学的哲学导论课程,因此它的内容将从不同的哲学角度评估我们对人性的理解. 学生将学习哲学的主要主题和分支, assess and form philosophical arguments, 熟悉哲学术语和语言.


Theology 1, 2, 3, 4 - Introduction to Scripture Sophomores and Juniors - credit recovery only

Dates: Available June 3 – July 26
Instructor: Miss LaCoy

This is a BLENDED course intended only for students needing to recover credit for Theology 1, 2, 3, or 4. 阅读材料、讨论板、测验和测试都将通过Canvas进行. 将有三个课堂/ZOOM日和每周课程作业的截止日期. 5月29日(星期三)期末考试结束后,我们将直接开班会 to discuss our course and its expectations.

本课程的目的是概述神学一,二,三, & 4. 本课程的目的是对圣经有一个概览 & Salvation History, the nature of the Trinity, 逾越的奥秘和教会历史的介绍. 由于其性质要复习神学课程的许多方面, there will be a specific focus on Salvation History & typology, 学生将学习基督为我们赢得的救赎是如何在旧约人物中被预言的, events, and things. 课程还将特别强调耶稣基督的救赎行为,以及耶稣基督的救赎使命如何贯穿整个历史,从而影响教会历史. 本课程概述了信仰核心的主要信仰, 强调上帝的存在和启示, 圣经以及旧约和新约之间的关系, the Person of Jesus Christ and the Paschal Mystery, 以及恩典在信徒以道德生活和祷告回应神的启示中所扮演的角色.

Required Texts:
介绍天主教:一个完整的课程,第二版ISBN: 978-1-936045-61-7
Bible: Revised Standard Version

Government Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors FULL

This class is now full.

(1 Credit)
Dates: Available June 3 – July 26
Structure: Online
Offered: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
Instructor: Mrs. Neman

This is an ONLINE course. 阅读材料、视频、讨论板、测验和测试都将通过Canvas进行. There is no required text for this course; all reading materials will be included in canvas. 在周三的凯洛斯期间,学生们将参加一个强制性会议, May 22nd or Thursday, May 23rd 用于Canvas的介绍、在线学习和课堂讨论. 学生可以选择哪一天参加会议,根据他们的每周凯洛斯弥撒时间表. 这是我们课程中唯一一次面对面的会议. 学生参加这次会议是很重要的,因为我们将复习和讨论这些材料, pacing and setup for the course.

美国政府为理解负责任的公民参与的性质和重要性以及了解个人在宪政民主中的权利和责任提供了一个框架. 本课程使学生能够探索政治哲学在当代政治和法律制度中的历史起源和演变. 宪法结构和立法程序, executive, and judicial branches of the national, state, and local levels of government are examined. 学生们学习展示对美国政府结构和其他政治制度的理解, 以及美国政府与世界事务的关系. 他们学会理解自己作为个人和团体影响政策和决策的能力. 在学校和社区的相关学习经历使学生能够学习如何有效地参与政治进程. 学生将按照自己的节奏学习本课程,并通过本课程为他们在大三和大四的历史课程做好准备.


Economics Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

(1 Credit)
Dates: Available June 3 – July 26
Structure: Online
Offered: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
Instructor: Mrs. Reeves

This is an ONLINE course. 阅读材料、视频、讨论板、测验和测试都将通过Canvas进行. There is no required text for this course; all reading materials will be included in Canvas. 在周三的凯洛斯期间,学生们将参加一个强制性会议, May 22nd or Thursday, May 23rd 用于Canvas的介绍、在线学习和课堂讨论. 这是一个强制性的会议,也是唯一在学校举行的会议. 学生参加这次会议是很重要的,因为我们将复习和讨论这些材料, pacing, and setup for the course.

经济学包括研究稀缺资源的分配及其满足人类需求的替代用途. 本课程考察了不同层次和不同领域的基本决策模型,包括:作为消费者做出的决策, producer, saver, investor, and voter; business decisions to maximize profits; public policy decisions in specific markets dealing with output and prices in the national economy; and problems developing nations face.


Personal Financial Responsibility Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

(1 Credit)
Dates: Available June 3 – June 28
Structure: Online
Offered: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Instructor: Ms. Niccum

个人财务责任涉及个人财务资源的识别和管理,以满足个人和家庭的财务需求和愿望, considering a broad range of economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental, and maintenance factors. This course helps students build skills in financial responsibility and decision-making; analyze personal standards, needs, wants and goals; identify sources of income, saving and investing; understanding banking, budgeting, record-keeping and managing risk, insurance and credit card debt. 圣经和祈祷的反思是整个过程的整合. This course is 100% online; and therefore, we will not have any designated class time. All materials for this class can be found on Canvas; no textbook is required.

Principles of Marketing Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

(1 Credit)
Dates: Available June 3 – June 28
Structure: Online
Offered: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Instructor: Ms. Niccum

《太阳成集团tyc234cc》为全球经济中市场营销的范围和重要性提供了一个基本的介绍. 重点放在口头和书面交流, mathematical applications, problem-solving, 以及与广告/促销/销售相关的批判性思维技能, distribution, financing, marketing information management, pricing, and product/service management. 圣经和祈祷的反思是整个过程的整合. This course is 100% online; and therefore, we will not have any designated class time. All materials for this class can be found on Canvas; no textbook is required.

学校农场暑期实习-农业与食品公正 Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

Offered: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Instructor: Mr. Haselhorst

St. Isidore Farm, Guerin Catholic’s school farm business, 邀请学生和社区参与生态教育, sustainable food systems, and food justice. The business grows and sells fresh, local, 为其素食盒客户提供可持续种植的农产品, as well as at a local farmers market. 学生实习生可以期望在学习神学的同时动手做农活, ecological, scientific, 以及经营一个小型蔬菜农场的商业基础. 任何想要增加自己的经验和技能的学生都可以参加实习. 它也为大学申请、奖学金申请和简历提供了很好的材料.

No gardening experience necessary.